Is The Juice Worth The Squeeze: I’m Pregnant Now What?

Here I was! Juice Because’s brick and mortar location was finally open, after a year of dealing with permitting and construction issues. After a year of living the entrepreneur life since quitting my 9-5 and dealing with the highs and lows of “this is the best thing ever” to “I made the biggest mistake ever” on the daily.

But like I said, here I was! I had reached my goal of owning my own little cold-pressed juice shop and then, I found out I was pregnant… Don’t get me wrong this was a good thing, we were not not trying, so if it happened it happened. When it actually happened though it really threw me for a loop! Things were about to change.

How was I going to be at the store 24/7 with a baby? How was I going to organize everything? I had been running the majority of the operations since day one and the thought of handing that off really freaked my freak.

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*Deep breath*

I reminded myself that women have been having babies for forever. I can figure this out. I started documenting every task I did. Made lists, daily tasks, basically every procedure was logged. It’s a really bad metaphor but I call it “the hit by a bus” plan. Essentially, if I were hit by a bus someone could come in, go through my binder of procedures and run the shop blindfolded.

Do you have a “hit by a bus” plan for your business?

This was such a game changer for me. It empowered me to be able to step back from my business and let someone take on more of the operations. I learned that I actually needed to do this for my business with or without a baby on the way.

I think sometimes as entrepreneurs we work too much in the business because we are the ones that built it. Why pay someone to do something you know how to do? But that doesn’t give us space to strategize, learn, and grow.

In order to move forward with your business, sometimes you need to think “what can I get off my list of things to do” instead of “what can I get better at”.

I”m not saying it’s easy. I still have a hard time passing off any part of my business. Think of the tasks that always make it to the bottom of your to do list or that you continually procrastinate doing. Those tasks are a good place to start when it comes to outsourcing or hiring help.It’s a little change that can make a huge impact in your business.

So what’s the first thing you’re taking off your list?



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