4 Biggest Messaging Mistakes: And How to Avoid Them

Messaging is one of the most important aspects of marketing your business. If you get it wrong, you can lose potential customers very quickly. In this blog post, we will discuss four of the biggest messaging mistakes that business owners make, and how to avoid them. We will also provide some tips for creating effective messages that will help you attract more customers!

Too Much Jargon

The first messaging mistake that business owners make is using too much jargon. Jargon is defined as “the specialized language of a particular trade, profession, or group” (Dictionary.com). When you use too much jargon in your messaging, it can make your potential customers feel like they are not part of your “insider” group. This can lead them to feel excluded and turn them off from your product or service. To avoid this messaging mistake, try to use language that is simple and easy to understand. Explain what your product or service does in plain terms, and avoid using acronyms or abbreviations that not everyone will understand.

Clear Over Clever

The second messaging mistake I see is when business owners try to be too clever. This often happens when businesses use puns or make jokes in their messaging. While there is a time and a place for humor, it is important to make sure that your messaging is still clear and concise. If your potential customers are confused by your message, they are not going to take the time to figure it out. I am all for getting playful in your writing, but when it comes to selling your product and service in sales copy and messaging, being clear and concise wins every time!

Too Excited!!!!!!!!

The third biggest mistake I see businesses make with their messaging is using too many exclamation points!!!

While exclamation points can be effective in conveying excitement, they should be used sparingly. When you use too many exclamation points, it can make your messaging seem juvenile and unprofessional. If you want to convey excitement in your messaging, try using words that describe how your product or service will make your customers feel. For example, if you sell a new skincare product that is clinically proven to reduce wrinkles, you could say something like “Our new skincare product can help you look years younger!”

You’re Not A Sales Person

The fourth and final messaging mistake I see business owners make is using too much “salesy” language. This is when your messaging sounds like a used car salesman. For example, if you are selling a new product, don’t say “This is the best thing since sliced bread!” or “You need this in your life!” Instead, focus on how your product or service can benefit your potential customers. If you can show them how your product or service will make their life better, they are much more likely to buy it!

Let’s recap:

  1. Avoid using too much jargon/industry terms

  2. Clear messaging is better than trying to be clever

  3. Don’t use too many exclamation points (tempting I know)

  4. Avoid salesy catch phrases

Messaging is an important part of marketing your business. By avoiding these four messaging mistakes, you can create messaging that is clear, concise, and effective. And remember, if you ever need help with your messaging, we are here for you! Just send us an email, and we will be happy to assist you. Thanks for reading!



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