028. Work Smarter, Not Harder: How Being Aligned With Your Work Can Help You Be More Productive and Successful With Less Effort
During this episode, you will learn about:
[00:58] Episode intro and what’s in for you today
[01:36] What does it mean to be aligned with your work
[02:12] How being aligned shows up in your day-to-day
[04:03] Why is it important?
[06:28] What happens when you are not in alignment?
[07:10] Tips you can use when you feel out of alignment with your work
You know that feeling when everything just clicks? You're in the zone and no matter what task you're working on, you're able to power through it with ease. It's a great feeling, and one that often leads to increased productivity and success. So how do you achieve it? By being aligned with your work, of course!
So back to my little business baby.
Today I want to talk about how alignment can help you be more productive and successful in your career.
Do you ever feel like you're putting in all the effort but not seeing the results you want? Like no matter how hard you work, you're just not getting ahead? If so, it might be because you're not aligned with your work.
When it comes to being productive and successful at work, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, there are certain things that can help you be more successful in your career. One of those things is being aligned with your work. Here's what we mean.
Being aligned with your work means that what you're doing matches up with your goals, values, and skills. It's about being in the right place at the right time, doing the right things. When you're aligned with your work, everything comes together and you can't help but be successful.
Here's how being aligned with your work can help you be more productive and successful.
What Does It Mean to Be "Aligned With Your Work?"
Being aligned with your work means a few different things. First, it means that you enjoy what you do. You're not just putting in time at a job you hate until you can retire or move on to something else. Instead, you actually like coming to work every day and feel fulfilled by what you're doing.
Second, being aligned with your work means that your values are in line with the company's values. This doesn't mean that you have to agree with everything the company does, but there should be a general alignment between your personal values and the company's core values.
Finally, being aligned with your work means that you believe in the company's mission and goals. Even if you're not working directly on the company's mission, you still believe in what the company is trying to achieve.
Why Is Being Aligned With Your Work Important?
There are a few reasons why being aligned with your work is important. First, when you're aligned with your work, you're more likely to be productive because you actually want to be there and you care about what you're doing. Second, being aligned with your work can help reduce stress because you don't feel like you're constantly fighting against what you believe in. Finally, when you're aligned with your work, chances are good that you'll be successful because you'll be putting in the best possible effort.
When you're in alignment with your work, everything feels easier because you're doing what you're meant to be doing. Your skills and talents are being put to good use, and you have a clear sense of purpose. This alignment doesn't happen overnight; it's something that develops over time as you gain experience and try new things. But once you find it, it'll feel like all the pieces of the puzzle have finally fallen into place. And when you're in alignment, doors start opening for you—opportunities come knocking, projects fall into your lap, and networking becomes effortless. All of this newfound success can lead to increased productivity, both at work and in other areas of your life.
But what happens when you're not in alignment?
When you're not doing work that feels true to you, it's easy to get stuck in a rut. You might find yourself going through the motions day after day without any real sense of purpose or fulfillment. Your work might start to feel like a drag, and your motivation will dwindle as a result. This can lead to decreased productivity both at work and in other areas of your life.
If you find yourself in this spot there are a few things you can do:
First things first, take a step back and evaluate the situation. What specifically is no longer aligning with you? Is it the work you're doing? The company's values? The people you work with? Once you've identified the root of the problem, you can start to look at possible solutions.
If it's the work you're doing that's no longer aligning with you, talk to your boss about it. If you’re the boss, as yourself why you feel like you need to be doing the work you’re doing. Is it for a paycheck? Is it from some pressure you’re feeling or putting on yourself? See if there are any other projects you could be working on that would be a better fit for your skillset and interests. If that's not an option, or if your boss is part of the problem, then it might be time to start looking for a new job altogether.
If it's the company's values that are no longer aligning with you, again, talk to your boss. See if there's anything that can be done to change the way things are done so that they align more with your personal values. If not, then it might be time to start looking for a new job at a company whose values better match your own.
And finally, if it's the people you work with that are no longer aligning with you, this one can be tricky. Sometimes people just don't see eye-to-eye, and that's okay. But if the situation is affecting your work or making you unhappy, then it might be time to have a talk with HR or look for a new job altogether.
So if you ever find yourself in a job that isn't quite right for you, don't be afraid to make a change—even if it means starting from scratch. Trust me, it'll be worth it!
If you want to be more productive and successful in your career, aligning yourself with your work is a great place to start. When you love what you do, everything else falls into place—opportunities arise, networking becomes effortless, and motivation comes naturally. So if your current situation isn't quite aligned with who you are and what you want to be doing, don't be afraid to make a change. It could very well be the best decision you ever make!
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