Every year the wellness industry floods the market with NEW products, methods, serums, powders, and ingredients that claim to have magical powers. Well, 2019 followed suit with some “cure-alls” that don’t exactly do what they claim but might not be a bad addition to your daily routine, and some trends we are happy to leave in the past.
The Best
Collagen is naturally produced in the body but after age 25 our bodies stop producing it and we lose about 1% per year! Collagen is a protein found in all parts of our body as well as mammals and fish. There are a lot of studies that show the effectiveness of consuming a collagen supplement (opposed to putting it on topically which apparently isn’t effective) like helping strengthen your nails, hair growth, skin elasticity, and your joints. Our goto collagen comes from Canadian company Trumarine
Ayurveda is a system of medicine with roots in India. It is used as an alternate type of medicine, thank you Wikipedia. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “The Science of Life”, which we can get on board with. Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one’s life, right thinking, diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs. For a better guide and intro check out and here’s a fun quiz to take to find out your Dosha Dosha Quiz.
CBD was everywhere last year! We think it actually belongs on a best and worst list thanks to the CBD burgers. When used properly CBD, the nonpsychoactive part of the cannabis plant can have a positive effect on your wellbeing. Some of the benefits can include pain relief, anxiety and depression reduction, and it can help with inflammation! We’ve tried Feel CBD and are big fans! You can find it at Birch + Fog
Like we said before, none of these wellness trends are cure-alls but there are studies showing the benefits of adding parts of them to your current routine. The biggest trend that seems to be continuing into 2020 and the one we love the most is just getting back to the basics. It can be overwhelming always having the next best thing flying at you all the time so try to remember to slow down, eat real food, rest, and spend time with the ones you love. No magic pill can do all of that for you!