039. Am I Niching Down In Business


As business owners, we often fall into a fear mentality, believing that if we niche down or focus on a specific client avatar, we will lose potential clients, and our business will suffer. However, by niching down, you can connect with the right people and avoid wasting time and resources on individuals who are unlikely to make a purchase from you. This strategic approach will help propel your business to the next level of growth.

So, if you are trying to niche down to build a unique product, confronting it head-on and speaking your truth without blending in is the key to standing out and finding success. Attempting to please everyone will not help you stand out from the crowd; instead, it will help you blend in with the crowd. However, infusing your brand with a personal touch and your own unique influence will set you apart from others and contribute to your success.

Niching down is a powerful tool that can greatly enhance your business and take it to new heights.

Join the ride!

During this episode, you will learn about:

[00:00] Episode intro and what’s in for you today

[00:26] Niching down and what Elisa has been avoiding

[01:31] Overcoming the fear mentality to attract your ideal client

[02:07] Elisa’s passion and her decision to niche down to Mothers

[03:43] Putting a personal touch and influence on your business

[05:58] Getting over the mental block, “You are not for everybody.”

[06:48] Don't blend in: Lean into your truth and go for it

[08:08] Wrap-up and end of the show

It is just as important to attract your ideal client as it is to repel people who are not your ideal client



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